mercredi 25 juillet 2012

Alex Stone

" [...] and because Stone's debut novel, Fooling Houdini has turned the world of magic against him.


"There are people who still won't shake my hand in New York, and I got excommunicated from my local magic society", he says.

It all comes as a bit of a surprise to Stone, who doesn't see his book as a how-to guide, but more of a "300-page love letter to magic", he says. "This book could have easily been titled Magic is Awesome".


It's all part of what he sees as a desperate need for magic to get a "MTV makeover".


Stone, who never leaves the house without a deck of cards, says he gets the most enjoyment from magic by fooling friends and strangers at parties or on the subway, and emphasizes that the desire to fool other magicians is what drives innovation and creativity in magic circles. "

Sources: National Post
Magic racket. Alex Stone reveals the tricks
of the trade in Fooling Houdini
Jesse Kinos-Goodin
à propos du livre Fooling Houdini: Magicians, Mentalists,
Math Geeks and the Hidden Powers of the Mind by Alex Stone
Bond Street Books

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