vendredi 7 janvier 2011

Vitaly Beckman

Magic is an art for the Vancouver-based illusionist, and his brand of tricks are more akin to experiencing The Nutcracker ...

" It's the art of illusion in a theatrical context." Beckman says of his Sensation Of Magic shows that can be considered a performing art like dance, music and drama.

... combining art and magic into a brand of entertainment that falls somewhere between Shakespeare and Criss Angel.

Beckman says his magic has evolved into a performance that hinges on "making people dream, talking to their imagination and creating the feeling of wonder." He cites Siegfried and Roy, David Copperfield and Lance Burton as inspiration, but never forgets to pay homage to the actors, singers and comedians who first drew him to the stage.

" The only thing that can create a sense of wonder is a human being," he says.

" ... If people see something impossible become possible, they can think ' Hey maybe I can do more.' "

Source: Vancouver Sun
December 7, 2010
Illusion in a theatrical context
Amanda Ash

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