vendredi 13 mai 2011


" Helder's act is decidedly old school - a slow burn of weaving effects that form greater pictures ...
Helder explains. "And that idea isn't about controlling someone else, but showing them what I want then to see at the end to show them a better reality."
Setting off in a different direction, [...] but he surrounded himself with musicians, comedians and stage actors who taught him the significance of discovering one's character... He attented a workshop offered by a Cirque du Soleil clown who gave him the following advice: "Feed the character. If you get too comfortable, change things. You need a certain degree of discomfort to really be alive."
Helder's director gave him an exercice: don't rely on obvious choices when building the character; start from somewhere else.
"Hello," Helder says as he greets the audience with his charming lilted, syncopated English. "To those who know me, my name is Helder. To those who don't know me, my name is also Helder. And to those who want to know me? Hello. My name is Helder." "

Source: Magic May 2011
Helder by Kevin Page

" The magician doesnt have to be talking to the audience all the time. It can be a dialogue with an imaginary interlocutor for example or with an object or another character. There is no reason this cannot happen.
Perhaps the script can have a number of different possibilities according to audience reaction or the intuition of the magician. I think this is an excellent idea to present multiple-outcome tricks.
The idea is the starting point. But what to do next? We must define a communication strategy. We need to know what we are going to say and then determine when we say it and how we do it. The three fundamental questions to be answered:

What are the important moments the spectator must know or memorize?

When is it important that the spectator knows or memorizes?

How do we manage so these pillars are remembered? "

Source: Magic May 2011
Words about words
by Helder Guimaraes